Weather Update!
Due to the snow on Thursday, April 4:
ReStore and Administrative Office Closed on April 4
- ReStore will plan to reopen at 10AM on Friday, April 5
- As usual, the administrative office is not open on Friday, April 5
- Applications for homeownership may be dropped off at the ReStore from 10AM-5PM on Friday and Saturday
The deadline for homeownership applications has been extended
- Applications to own a home in Standish can be picked up at the ReStore on Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6 from 10AM to 5PM.
- All applications must be handed in by Saturday, April 6 at 5PM.
- Though the administrative office is closed, you may drop off your applications at the ReStore on Friday or Saturday, 10AM to 5PM
- Applications will not be accepted after Saturday, April 6!